PR Made Simple
PR Made Simple is your ultimate guide to understanding how PR works for your business, to build your brand, give you credibility, drive sales and get known for what you do.
PR expert Pippa Goulden has over 20 years experience working with big brands, start-ups, entrepreneurs and founders as well as teaching hundreds of SMEs how to DIY their PR.
In this podcast she'll be demystifying PR, cutting through the BS and confusion and showing you how you can use it to get results that actually work to drive your business forward.
Whether you're DIY-ing it, want 1-2-1 support or are looking to outsource your PR, this podcast is for founders, entrepreneurs, experts and in-house teams to give you actionable advice that you can apply to your business and get results that work to grow your business.
PR Made Simple
20. 5 Mindset Game Changers That Have Helped Me Nail My PR (and how they can help you too)
In this episode of PR Made Simple, PR expert Pippa Goulden digs into the 5 mindset shifts that she has made to take proactive steps to secure some key PR opportunities for her business, to inspire you to do the same.
If you're finding that you're putting off your PR, overthinking, focusing on the wrong things or sitting back and waiting for it to happen to you, then have a listen to this and be motivated to make some changes to take action and make it happen.
It works!
++There's some swearing in this episode!++
Mindset Matters in PR
Taking Action: The Shift from Waiting to Doing
Building Confidence: The Power of Positive Feedback
Setting Targets to help focus
The Feisty Era: Embracing Boldness in Communication
And once you've had a listen you can:
- Follow me on instagram @pippa_the.pr.set or LinkedIn (@Pippa Goulden) for more tips and insight into the world of PR
- Join my DIY PR membership using the code POD50 to get 50% off your first month - this will give you all the knowledge and confidence you need to get results for yourself. Have a look here
- Work with me 1-2-1 in my brand new Kickstart: The PR Accelerator which is a hyper-focused, action-taking, results focused programme that's all about getting you great PR results for your business, with me supporting you all the way.
- Or if you just want to hand it all over to me to do for you, I can do that too
Find out more at www.theprset.com and book a discovery call with me to chat more here or email me pippa@theprset.com
Please note this transcript is generated by AI - apologies for any mistakes!
Pippa Goulden (00:04)
Hello and welcome back to another episode of PR Made Simple. Today I am deep diving into mindset and specifically my own mindset because I wanted to talk about the mindset shifts that I've made that have made a real difference to my PR. I can teach you until I'm blue in the face and I can tell you that you can DIY your PR.
But in my experience, from my own experience and from the clients that I work with as well, if you're not in the right mindset, then it's not going to make any difference. You're not gonna be putting yourself out there. You're gonna be overthinking. You're gonna be spending too much time on the planning and the writing the lists and the thinking and the overthinking and less time on the actual doing. And I know this from my own experience.
I think 90 % of what holds us back when it comes to our PR is actually the mindset stuff because you can learn how to do PR, it's not rocket science, but if your head is not in the right place then you're just not going to take the action that gets the results.
know I have had those thoughts too, you know, what if they realize that I don't know what I'm talking about? I do by the way but these are the thoughts that come into my head. What if people laugh at me? What if they think that I'm stupid for talking about this stuff? What if I get found out? I don't know who's going to find me out or what they're going to find me out about but these are all thoughts that I've had and I have done previous episodes with my coach Rebecca Hayden who I worked with last year and if you want to go into
more detail around the subconscious then I would go back to that episode as well. But I'm going to talk very specifically about the steps that I've taken to move through all of this stuff and what's made a real step change when it comes to me PRing my own business. So the first thing I think that's made a real difference for me is that I made a very conscious decision last year that I am not going to sit back and wait for things to happen to me. I think
You know, I'm four years into my business now. I have proven that I know what I'm talking about, but it was doing the work with my coach last year that really made me realize that I'd built all of these things. I built my membership. I had my clients that I worked with and I was kind of sitting there waiting for people to come to me. They'd realized that I was great at what I did and they'd want to work with me.
And to a certain extent that does happen. I get recommended by word of mouth and other people. But I was not proactively putting myself out there. Maybe in a way that I had done at the beginning actually when I launched my business and I had that kind of new, fresh, excited energy. I had a few PR opportunities that I really wanted to do in my business.
and I got myself into this kind of mindset of well they'll find me, they'll come to me when the time is right, I don't need to push myself too hard because people will find me. It doesn't work like that. And you know, with all the coaching and the mentoring and the teaching that I do, know, sometimes it's hard to take a spoon of your own medicine, isn't it? But I very much did a lot of work on this last year and it was that...
conscious decision that I wasn't going to sit and wait anymore for things to happen to me that has made a massive gear shift across the whole of my business not just my PR but it's meant I've created new things for people to buy from me it's meant that I've changed my services a bit it's meant that I've also put my prices up because it's made
me more aligned with the people that I really want to work with, the people that really I know get results for themselves. So that conscious decision was a key turning point for me really in changing how I put myself out there and changing other elements of my business as well. But for the sake of this podcast, we're here talking about, you know, the PR side of things. So yeah, not sitting back and waiting for those things to happen to me.
The second thing is, and I started this quite early on in my business journey, I have what I called a wobble folder. I've actually renamed it as my I'm shit hot at what I do folder, and I have actually renamed it that. But it was basically, and it is, where I put the positive feedback I get, the testimonials, the messages from people saying that they love what I'm doing, the results that my one-to-one members get, you know,
the positive things that are happening in my business. So when that doubt starts creeping in, I can go to my I'm shit hot at what I do folder and look at all the people that I'm helping and impacting with my business. So not only does this give me a little bit of a boost, but it's a really good reminder that it's not actually about me. It's about the people that I'm serving with my business, the people that benefit from my knowledge, the people that are benefiting from
me doing my business in the way that I do it and I also talk to myself so this is linked back to the stuff that I did talk about in a previous episode with Bec my coach where I have doubt coming in, I have named that doubt Mrs Doubtfire, this sounds bonkers but I actually have a chat with that doubt and I send her back to the kitchen to cook shortbread and she goes away.
and I actually managed to have a rational conversation with that doubt and I managed to talk the doubt away and to actually then just focus on the stuff that I want to do which links back to the people that I serve with my business and what I'm doing with it, why I'm doing it and why also it brings me so much joy. So I would really recommend your own I'm shit hot at what I do folder. You can name it something else if that doesn't work for you.
But somewhere to remind yourself not just about the brilliant things that you are doing in your business, but also the people that are benefiting from the work that you do and that can be whether you're a product business, a service business, a B2B business, you know, there are people benefiting from you and what you do. The third thing that I've done and I've done this from the beginning because it was a learning that I had really early on, but I have a note above my desk.
and it's something that I kind of, it's a little mantra that I say over and over again and that is that no one cares about your business as much as you do or for me when I'm saying it to myself, it's that no one cares as much about my business as I do and that might sound a little bit harsh to begin with but when you actually think about those words it is so incredibly freeing.
because no one really does care about your business as much as you do. Nobody is thinking about it in the same way. Nobody is thinking about it as much as you think about it. No one is caring whether you're trying something and it doesn't work out. Nobody is caring whether you have pitched yourself for a press spot and they didn't respond. They generally do care when you do great things. You see that across social media all the time.
But the fact that no one cares about your business as much as you do, it's so freeing when it comes to actually putting yourself out there, stopping overthinking about what people are gonna think about you, because generally, they're not going to think those things. You've just made that up in your own head. So that might be a really helpful mantra for you yourself as well. The fourth thing I've done from a mindset perspective, and this is a practical thing as well, is that I've set
dedicated targets to my PR. I know what I want to achieve and for me that works, I break it down into quarters and it generally looks like one speaking opportunity a month, so three speaking opportunities and that could be big stages to stand on which I did get because I made that conscious decision that I wasn't going to sit back and I put myself out there and I pitched myself for that big speaking opportunity but those three opportunities could be one kind of big
speaking opportunity but also guest spots in memberships, insta lives with other people and three podcast interviews a quarter because I know that for me they're the key things that really shift the dial for me when it comes to my PR and then underneath that I also layer in maybe an additional piece of press coverage or writing some blog content for somebody or doing something for another brand that kind of thing. I have dedicated time in my diary
normally every week. It could be if I miss it for whatever reason I will put a chunk in at least every fortnight and I have accountability sessions in my membership as well which make a real difference here because I do my own PR then as well during those two so they're working sessions.
with my DIY PR members where we all come onto a Zoom and we focus on our PR. And I generally use those in the working time. I'm obviously available if people have questions, but I use them as well to get my own PR done. The other thing that I do try and do is do a little bit of PR every day. And I think that makes a real difference for me, just making sure that I'm in the flow of it, that I don't like leave it and leave it and leave it and it builds up and then it feels quite overwhelming.
And for me, that could be making sure that I'm popping into a network to, or like a membership that I'm in, popping in there to see if I can help out with any advice that people have asked questions on, if it links to my area of expertise. It might be me touching base with people kind of through social media messaging.
It might be me setting up an Insta Live, like I said, just little things chipping away at them and that makes it less overwhelming. But having for me, having those dedicated targets for my PR every quarter allows me to map back and to see what I'm doing successfully, to see what's working for my business and I can tweak those as I go.
And it also means that if I've achieved those targets, I can kind of take the foot off the pedal a little bit in terms of my PR and focus on other areas of the business. And my last point when it comes to my mindset is that, excuse my French, I send the fucking email. This is my mantra now. I'm calling it my feisty era. I have stepped into this place and it feels really good. I cannot tell you. It is just bringing me
a lot of joy and happiness because I think I'm caring a lot less what people think, even though remember they're not thinking anyway. But I am seeing the impact that it's having. I'm seeing it having a trickle effect on other people. It's working. It's got me an amazing partnership with a fellow business owner last week. I literally just sent her a message saying, I'd love to do this with you.
It's got me that speaking opportunity on my dream stage. It's got me guest spots in mega places. It is getting me known and talked about by the right people in the right places. And if it's having that impact for me, it will have that impact for you. So I think the key thing is to stop the overthinking, stop the procrastination, stop writing endless lists of people that you'd love to work with and just go out and send the fucking email. Sorry, I really hope you haven't got kids listening.
So those are the five things that I think have made a real difference to me getting the traction, getting the PR in my business and they're things that I see my members and my one-to-one accelerator clients to. People often ask me what the secret is of those people who are doing great things with their business. What's the secret of their PR? Like how do they do it? And I promise you the difference is that they are just doing it. They've got on
They're doing it. They're not overthinking. They're not worrying about what other people think. They are believing in themselves. They're knowing that when they are pitching to journalists that they're helping the journalists to do their job. They're not worrying what the journalist is going to think about them. They're not worrying about whether the podcast host is going to think that they're silly for having even suggested themselves for their podcast. They are going to go out there and put themselves forward for things.
that's what I'm doing and that's what I want you to do too. So if this episode has inspired you to take action then make sure you're following me Pippa the PR set on Instagram, you can find me on LinkedIn Pippa Goulden that's G-O-U-L-D-E-N and find me at the prset.com I have my one-to-one accelerator, I have my DIY PR membership which you can get 50 % off with the code POD50
And yeah, I just want you to go out and send the fucking email and let me know when you've done it because you will make my day. I'll see you again soon for another episode of PR Made Simple.