PR Made Simple
PR Made Simple is your ultimate guide to understanding how PR works for your business, to build your brand, give you credibility, drive sales and get known for what you do.
PR expert Pippa Goulden has over 20 years experience working with big brands, start-ups, entrepreneurs and founders as well as teaching hundreds of SMEs how to DIY their PR.
In this podcast she'll be demystifying PR, cutting through the BS and confusion and showing you how you can use it to get results that actually work to drive your business forward.
Whether you're DIY-ing it, want 1-2-1 support or are looking to outsource your PR, this podcast is for founders, entrepreneurs, experts and in-house teams to give you actionable advice that you can apply to your business and get results that work to grow your business.
PR Made Simple
7. Facing Fear, Rejecting the Ick and Getting Known For What You Do with Caroline Britton
Buckle up for an insightful conversation as Pippa Goulden sits down with the dynamic Caroline Britton, a powerhouse coach and mentor who's cracked the code on building a personal profile.
Get ready to dive deep into Caroline's own journey of conquering her fear of visibility, the importance of authenticity and learn how she skyrocketed her own PR.
Plus Pippa and Caroline discuss practical steps to navigate your own fear, to take action, the significance of incremental changes, and how to use PR to help you grown your business. The conversation emphasizes that fear is a common experience among business owners and that taking action is essential for growth.
Find comfort in knowing that even the most successful entrepreneurs grapple with fear – and learn how to use it as rocket fuel for your growth.
Find Caroline at https://www.caroline-britton.com and https://www.instagram.com/carolinebrittoncoaching/
And once you've had a listen you can:
- Follow me on instagram @pippa_the.pr.set or LinkedIn (@Pippa Goulden) for more tips and insight into the world of PR
- Join my DIY PR membership using the code POD50 to get 50% off your first month - this will give you all the knowledge and confidence you need to get results for yourself. Have a look here
- Work with me 1-2-1 in my brand new Kickstart: The PR Accelerator which is a hyper-focused, action-taking, results focused programme that's all about getting you great PR results for your business, with me supporting you all the way.
- Or if you just want to hand it all over to me to do for you, I can do that too
Find out more at www.theprset.com and book a discovery call with me to chat more here or email me pippa@theprset.com
Please note this transcript was created by AI - sorry for any errors!
Pippa Goulden (00:01)
Caroline Britton is a coach, mentor and magic maker. She is, I should probably mention from the outset, also one of my best friends and we've known each other since we were 11 but I promise we'll try and keep this somewhat professional. She's also a big reason that I started my own business. Her early trainings about getting out of your own way and leaning into your fear were the catalyst I needed back in lockdown to put on those big girl pants and do the thing I'd always wanted to do but never quite got there.
It's been an absolute joy to watch Caroline's journey as she's built her own business, leaning into her true self. Before setting up Caroline Britain Coaching, she had one of those Chandler from Friends jobs at a management consultancy where none of us really understood what she did. But now she is doing what she was put on this earth to do, guiding, teaching, healing, inspiring and mentoring and tapping into her witchy ways to help thousands of clients get astonishing results.
I truly believe that 90 % of what holds small business owners like yourself back from doing your own PR is in the mind. I see it time and time again with the people I work with and I also know from my own personal experience too, which is why we spend a lot of time in my DIY PR membership on confidence as well as the knowledge side of things. Because you can learn how to do PR, it is not rocket science, but if your mindset is holding you back and you're constantly doubting yourself and your business, then there's going to be much harder to put yourself out there.
It also translates into the way you talk about your business, the way you show up, your pitch emails, and so much more. And that is why I've invited Caroline here today to not only tell you about her own PR journey, which is fascinating in itself, but to talk about fear, how it holds us back, and what we can do about it to move ourselves forward. So welcome to the wonderful Caroline Britton to PR Made Simple.
Caroline Britton (01:49)
What an introduction, Pippa, that's amazing, amazing, amazing. I'm so happy to be here. I'm so proud of you.
Pippa Goulden (01:55)
well listen let's... thanks mate! Let's talk a little bit first about your own PR journey because you've done an amazing job of getting known for what you do, you've featured in places like Forbes, Red Magazine, The Telegraph, Metro, you've done podcast interviews, you've talked on industry stages, you've got so many of those PR boxes ticked but it wasn't always like that was it?
Caroline Britton (02:19)
That's leading question. No, it was not always like that. mean, people can't quite believe it when I say, I would say for the first 18 months of my business journey, I had a real fear around visibility and a real fear about standing in the truth of what I did. And that would show itself with, I mean, even my first photo shoot, I had a product -based business with my name behind it.
I got someone else to do the photo shoot. I don't think I had a picture on my website. I certainly wouldn't have put a picture of myself on Instagram. when I look at the difference now in six years, I mean, you cannot get me off video or stages or speaking events. It's a massive pivot. And I mean, I'm sure we'll kind of delve into the way that is, but...
I think I want to share this story because I'm sure you remember, we actually haven't spoken about this for years, but I was running a panel called Winging It with a lovely lady called Kerry -Anne and it was a, I guess a networking event where we would interview entrepreneurs and then I would talk a bit about my own certain fear. And do you remember that we did one and there was a editor from Red Magazine who was in the audience and you were
You were elbowing me to try and just say something about an opportunity to work with me at the end of it. I'd done an event for two hours, I'd shared, been a part of service. And the reluctance I felt to do that said everything about how I viewed myself. I'm putting my brand out there at the time, and I'm sure we'll get into this, but yes.
Pippa Goulden (04:09)
Why do you think that was? Because I think that's such a common feeling amongst us as business owners. What is it? What was holding you back?
Caroline Britton (04:21)
I mean many things. I think there was real self -doubt. Like who am I? I'm somebody who's decided to set up a business. I've worked in the corporate world for 14 years. Who am I to be standing in the room sharing my expertise? Like do I even know enough? Like am I good enough? Surely there's people better than me. I think a lot of like those...
demons from the corporate world where I've been told things like, you're not very good at public speaking or you're not very good at this. I had internalized the truths, which they weren't. Actually, I would think my ability to public speak and speak and stage is one of the things that I am most good at. But I'd internalized all these stories. And I think underlying, weaving through all of it was this narrative of just don't be too much, don't be too much.
And for a self -confessed, like, people pleaser and for somebody who's always liked to be liked, putting yourself out there can make you feel really vulnerable, right? It can feel like you're open to criticism and people are gonna say things that are gonna trigger that wound of not enoughness. And that's what it was for me, for sure. And I had to do the work around that wound in order to be able to elevate my brand.
Pippa Goulden (05:43)
So let's talk a bit about your PR journey because you've done it yourself, you've worked with other PRs, you've worked with my bestie Katie at Luxly who's done it for you. What impact looking at kind of from then to now, what impacts that had on your business, any particular PR highlights, what works for you?
Caroline Britton (06:00)
Yeah, it's so interesting the PR experience and the PR journey because...
PR has been instrumental in helping me build my personal brand, right? So it's what I call the snowball effect. every article, every mention, every piece of exposure, everything that is shown under your name creates an image for the people in your world and coming into your world. And what PR did for me was it created this momentum. So...
If you'd asked me at the beginning of my journey, thought PR was as simple as I'd invested a big chunk of money and I thought, I'll get a mention in the telegraph, that's what I was manifesting, and business will explode, right? That's what I told myself. Did manifest a piece in the telegraph. Crickets, right? Nothing. I was like, that's not quite how I thought it was gonna work.
Pippa Goulden (06:52)
That'd be nice.
Caroline Britton (07:05)
What was really interesting about the PR experiences, I got mentioned at Telegraph and I got mentioned in all these different places. And then I did a one -to -one coaching session with a guy called James Gill, he wrote for Balance Magazine, who was the deputy editor and a comedian. And he ended up writing this article, it went in the Metro about his experience of working with me. It happened to fall around Halloween and he kind of did a play on the witch and all these kind of amazing stuff that we saw in Manifest.
and London Palladium gig and all these great things. People go on my website, I can read a story. But it was in that moment I realised, I was like, it's not about just being featured in one place. It's about what people associate with you as a personal brand through where you're placed and who you work with. And then it kind of deepened my belief in PR and the importance of it because I realised that every single thing that you do,
is a reflection of your personal brand. So it matters who you go on a podcast with. It matters the event bags that you have when you do an event. It matters the venue you pick. It matters the retreat place you pick. Everything is formulating a picture of your brand. And that's what PR is. Like what's the picture that you are gonna paint of your brand? And so that's the first bit of the question. In terms of the best PR, I mean...
There's been some really powerful things. think when I got a guest feature spot in Red Magazine was massive because I was relatively early on in my journey. And I would say the James Gill interview and then since then podcasts have been like a miracle work. I mean, I go on a podcast and business blows up even more.
Pippa Goulden (08:49)
You find, don't you like speaking ops for you because people connect to what you're saying and you can go really deep, I think, you know, in the spoken word and podcasts give you that time to deep dive, don't they, rather than, you know, just writing or being featured in a kind of commentary piece in a magazine or something.
Caroline Britton (09:11)
It's about your zone of genius, it's recognizing it, right? It's recognizing that something happens to my business when I show up and speak, so I feel like that's where I'm being guided, that's of high service, if something happens where I activate people and I open my throat and I speak. So it's about people finding their way and their zone of genius. I've got clients who are absolutely amazing at networking, I've got clients who are absolutely brilliant at building community, clients who are brilliant at writing.
everyone has their thing. It's working out what your zone of genius is and how you can use that to build your brand. And I'm a big believer that it doesn't mean doing things that you hate and feel out of integrity. It's actually that telling you to go in a different direction. It's about you being really honest in your truth about the way that you want to do it, what feels good, what feels fun, what feels effortless.
and what feels like it's natural to you. And that's where you can find your sweet spot, I think.
Pippa Goulden (10:12)
Absolutely and even just from a getting started perspective if you're if you're if you hate writing and you know you're trying to pitch yourself for writing things you're just not going to put yourself forward for them because you're going to hold yourself back so I think you're totally right like leaning into what you enjoy doing and if it is speaking and events and that kind of thing then look at opportunities for those. Yeah building the personal brand is a really interesting one and that that evolves right over time so your
your, I mean the word personal brand kind of I feel a bit like, about, but you know, we all know what we're talking about when we're talking about personal brand. How have you evolved that and how has that evolved naturally or is it being quite a conscious decision for you?
Caroline Britton (10:55)
A bit of both. I think the more that I've actually shown up as who I am and what I want to say has been a game changer. So one of the biggest leaps I saw in my business is when I actually started speaking more about my spiritual gifts and how they worked and what was coming through for me. And that was probably one of the most scariest things to do. I felt really vulnerable about it. But it's not about getting everyone to like you. It's about being seen so the right people can find you.
Pippa Goulden (10:58)
Caroline Britton (11:24)
I really see it as that. that's when I made that shift of like, I've got to go out there and find people too. I've got to allow myself to be seen so people can find me, the right people can find me. It was a game changer. And I think there's definitely been the conscious element where it's a bit like getting fit in the gym where I incrementally have to do things that felt uncomfortable. So like the first time I put a photo on social media.
The first time I spoke at a panel, the first time I did a big Zoom event, the first time I did a podcast, everything's first, yeah? And then you get more confident. And then I think there's the other bit where it's just been really organic that as I've grown and done the mindset work and given less of a shit about what people think and stood more in my power and claimed my space as an authority in energetics and intuition, the more that the brand is built as a byproduct of it, so it's both.
Pippa Goulden (12:16)
Absolutely, I think I remember sitting around your island in the kitchen and we were talking about and you were saying you know I'm going to embrace this kind of witchy side and I was like god are you sure and I was totally wrong because you were right I think it probably does you know there's some media that don't want to go down that route but that doesn't matter for you because it's not it's not the right audience for you and I think the more I've seen that and I've seen you grow is when you've when you've
Caroline Britton (12:27)
Pippa Goulden (12:45)
of lent into who you are and you know what you want to talk about and you you you don't care what other people think about it and that's so powerful.
Caroline Britton (12:54)
I really don't, I had to do a lot of work around that. It's like that my value and enoughness didn't come from the approval of everybody else. And also that I could do it in my own Caroline way. you know, yeah, I'm deeply spiritual, but I also like love to party and I love to drink wine. I can be really connected and love crystals as much as I do, you know, going and sitting and having an amazing dinner. It's like you get to bring all parts of you and it will resonate with the right people.
But the world doesn't need more clones of us. It just needs your own authentic self. And I think the beauty of being authentic is that...
It's not now, these days I think there's a shift. It's not like, look what I say and do what I say. It's like, I'm gonna embody this and give you permission to do the same. So if I can embody a woman who can lean into fear and do things anyway, embody a woman who's in the truth, embody a woman who's deeply connected, who's powerful and soft and loving and all of those things, then I give other people permission to do the same. And that's what it's about. So the more that I can lean into my values and who I really am,
in my brand, then the more the right people are gonna be magnetized to that for sure.
Pippa Goulden (14:12)
Absolutely, and I think one of the most freeing things when I first started my business was realising that no one really cares about my business. They're not thinking about it in nicest possible way. People aren't actually judging you. They're not thinking about you. No one's got the time to be thinking about people in that way. And generally as human beings, we're good people. We don't think about people in that way. that judgement that we're fearing actually isn't real.
Caroline Britton (14:38)
Yeah, yeah. And it's not about other people, it's about our relationship with ourselves. So for people who are coming up against that real fear of putting themselves out there and being visible, A, it's completely normal. I haven't met many people who don't experience that. B, you've got to take action and you learn confidence by doing, not by thinking. And then lastly, do the work around what sits behind it. Like, you got the voice of a teacher or a parent or a friend?
that's conditioning you to think that you're not enough or it's too much and do the work around that and set yourself free.
Pippa Goulden (15:15)
Yeah, so let's talk a a bit more detail about this kind of this fear. Like where does it come from? What's it doing? Because it's got it. There's a reason it's there, right?
Caroline Britton (15:24)
It's protective, So it's there ultimately to try and shield us from disappointment. So the ego really, really likes the familiar. So the ego is that part of self that is here to protect us, very closely linked to the mind and really, really good friends with fear. Like just imagine the mind, ego and fear sort of hanging out together. That's how I view it. And...
Their job is to keep us in our comfort zones, to help us avoid danger. The thing is, when you set up a business or you're growing a business, it is uncomfortable and it does stretch your edges and it does get you to go to some places that are, you know, not familiar. And what the fear is doing is saying, well, this is the road that's fraught with disaster, so don't.
walk down it and then we can stop yourself from feeling anything that we fear feeling, like disappointment, not enough, not worthy, too much, whatever it might be. So the fear's got, you know, is ultimately trying to help us. The issue is, if you live your life dictated by fear,
you're fundamentally not allowing yourself to access all the magic and all the growth and all the opportunities that are available for you. It's like shutting yourself in your house and never leaving. don't get to experience the trueness of the world.
What I would really encourage people to ask themselves is what might my business and life look like if it wasn't based on making decisions from a place of fear. And actually, if you made decisions to do things based on love and enoughness and where you were being guided and that was enough, it's a game changer. It's absolute game changer in every single area.
Pippa Goulden (17:29)
It really is. And I see that with the people that kind of come into my world, know, whether it's in my DIY PR membership and they'll come in and they'll be like, no one wants to hear about me. And then they start growing and they start, it's that snowball effect, isn't it? It's like pushing it down the hill. And then you start seeing the confidence and the shoulders kind of come back. And it's amazing to watch that, that kind of transformation. And you must experience that with your clients as well in the way you work.
Caroline Britton (17:53)
Yeah, and it's a vibrational match, right? This is the amazing thing is when people come more and more into their power, their truth, their excitement and things they've got to say, it's a match for things, yeah? And you've got to trust that as you are doing the work to overcome all the blocks and the limitations and step more and more into putting yourself out there, that's a match for the next level of clients or opportunity or money, like it is.
but we have to be prepared to walk down an uncomfortable path first to get there.
Pippa Goulden (18:27)
Yeah, I've got to get comfortable with getting uncomfortable I guess. I've heard you talk before about kind of showing up as the person you want to be. Can you explain a bit more about that because I think that's really interesting.
Caroline Britton (18:30)
Yep, exactly.
Yeah, so that's really, really helped me is if I can sort of leap to that version of me who, so let's look at me with no clients, no real clue what I'm doing, no idea how to grow a business like right at the beginning. I had to access a path myself that was where I wanted to be in a year time. So she like had the clients and she was making some money and she had a website and she was showing up.
So what I did has got really clear on how she might speak, how she might have discovery calls with clients, how she might email, how she might put herself out there, how she might charge, how many she might run her day, all of these things, speak, dress, all of it. The more I did that, I kind of just kept borrowing from her. So I was like, well, what would she do in this situation? What email would she send? How would she price? How would she charge?
And then what that would do is I would bring her energetic match into the now and then things would come quicker. And I repeatedly do that. say, so the woman who's making this match and runs two businesses and is doing these things, how does she think, speak, act, show up, dress, run her day, all of these things, and I borrow it now. And it is amazing what that does.
Pippa Goulden (19:58)
Absolutely and I think there's something about the energy that you put into your business whether it's through your social media stories or Your emails or you know, whatever it is how you show up for your business It's so important in the way that other people are going to perceive you. I When I before I launched the Piazza, I was I edited a publication which some of you will know about but I could
and that's what inspired this business because I could see the difference between the small business owners that would email me kind of apologizing for taking up space or I'm terribly sorry to land in your inbox I've got this small thing that I'm working on versus the people who massively owned it and were proud of what they were doing and you could tell there was like a bit of swagger in their emails and they were telling me all the kind of you know the different things they'd achieved with it you know as a
as a journalist you are going to be more interested in the people that are owning it than the people who are apologizing for taking up space. So how do we get to that point? How do we...
Caroline Britton (20:55)
So it's the things that you tell yourself, right? So let's say if you're a coach or anybody who's, let's say a service -based business, you're doing a pitch or whatever, it matters what you've said to yourself before you go into it. So if you said, this is gonna be rubbish, I'm not good enough, I'm too expensive, I'm not that good at it anyway, and I pick up the phone in that energy and you're somebody who wants to work with me, you're gonna feel it.
Not only gonna feel it is the way that I am behaving on the phone call, the way I'm telling you the price, all of those things is gonna be reflective of that narrative that I've run in my head. But say just before I've gone on that call, I'm like, I'm enough, I'm of huge service, like my work is brilliant, I help thousands of people, people love to pay me, I'm worthy of being paid. And I get on the phone call, there's a very different conversation that's happened, there's a different energy.
but there's a different way that I'm presenting myself, there's a different way that I'm saying how much it is to work with me. That work is absolutely pivotal. It is, because as you do more and more of that, you lock in a belief that actually you are worthy, and people do love to pay you, and you are really good at speaking, and you really are an exceptional coach, you have an exceptional product. That's what happens, you build that, but you've gotta feed the mind first. So.
I would really encourage practically people to have a bit of a script before they're doing any sort of PR emails or launching something or selling something where they don't do it until they've like, I'm a narc, I'm brilliant at what I do, people love to pay me, it's so easy for me. And you've ingrained your subconscious with those messages and that's really gonna help and that's what the difference you were seeing with the people that emailed is the energy look.
The energy of which we send things or do anything is what comes back to us. So you get to be really clear with your energy.
Pippa Goulden (22:47)
Absolutely and like taking your own personal experience from the person who had a coaching business but wouldn't show their face to now, how do we how do you reframe because that's that that ick that people talk about like god I can't go on stories I can't do it can't pitch to a journalist how do we do that what are the practical things we can do because I think taking those steps
Caroline Britton (22:55)
But you know what, I've got to say this, because I went round to my brother's earlier and we're having a bit of a laugh because I was asking him how to do this real thing. And he said, I'll show you. So he said, film me for eight seconds. And he sat at his computer and he was pretending to look at the website and I was filming him. And I stopped and I said to him, do you find it ridiculous that we're doing things like this? You know, And he said, yeah, I find it ridiculous. And we had a bit of a laugh.
And the reason that I say that is because actually it doesn't need to be so serious. Like you can have a bit of a laugh that some of the things that we, you know, are playing with and experiencing and putting out there from a joyful place are a bit silly sometimes, right? And I think the difference to me is at the beginning I took it so seriously. It's like it meant something about who I was. It means absolutely nothing about who I was.
Pippa Goulden (24:03)
Caroline Britton (24:08)
the amount of followers you have or likes you have has absolutely nothing to do with who you're worth and what's enough about you. So the first thing you have to do is stop making it mean everything and say, this is a really amazing platform, whether it's social media, whether it's press, whatever it is, for me to be able to spread my word. The next thing in terms of getting rid of the itch,
is really work out what your ics are. So there are certain things that I just will not do, okay? And that's cool. Like you're just not gonna find me doing them. But I'm also aware of things that I'm fundamentally constricting my energy and I like no way, as opposed to things that I don't wanna do, because they just feel a little bit like uncomfortable and make me feel vulnerable. So discern the difference to what they are. The next thing is,
Pippa Goulden (24:51)
What are they?
Caroline Britton (25:08)
incremental shifts. This is the game changer. Like I did not go from, I won't put my face on social media or a website to I'll go and speak in front of 5 ,000 people on a video. It didn't happen that way. It was incremental. So it's like, well today, can I show a picture of the back of my head? In a week's time, can I speak but I'm behind the camera filming something?
In a week's time, can I do a picture of my face? In a week's time from that, can I do a video of like, hi, is Caroline here? It's incrementally moving the dial, yeah, in the direction that you want to go, recognizing that everything feels daunting when it's a first podcast, live, whatever it might be, but it gets easier and easier. So in those moments of visibility, can you lean in just the tiny bit where...
The part of you that's scared would have pulled back and not done it, but the part of you that's willing to be brave can just move the needle. So it's maybe sending that email out to a journalist. Maybe it's, you know, I just had a call with my spiritual entrepreneur group and they were at a networking event where I was speaking last Thursday. And one of them said to somebody there, I'm amazing at what I do, I'm awesome at what I do. And she said that really took her by surprise.
That was massive, right? It's a sentence, but it was a huge shift in her power and her claiming her authority, which she rightly gets to claim. So don't underestimate those little shifts because they build. And why I'm where I am now is because I lent in bit by bit to the discomfort and just did something that pushed the edge. Even on that day, if it looked like the tiniest thing, it's something, right?
Pippa Goulden (26:54)
Yeah, I think that's so powerful and it's knowing that people don't get there overnight and I think all of this overnight success, know, I see I get served these ads because obviously I'm searching PR stuff. guess, you know, my client did this and they got 27 ,000 people on their mailing list just from one thing. It doesn't happen like that. It's incremental. I think another thing that you mentioned is talking about your store, you know,
Caroline Britton (27:13)
Pippa Goulden (27:22)
talking about your story and what is authentic and about you but I always say to people don't don't do that if it if it's not where you want to go if it's not that direction I think what you were saying earlier about having those boundaries is really important not putting boundaries in place to stop you from pushing yourself forward but equally you don't have to talk about something that happened to you 15 years ago to get a bit of press coverage it's not going to do anything for your business
Caroline Britton (27:48)
And also I don't think that we need to cross lines that don't feel good to us. Like I don't really share what I'm doing personally I'm not sharing kind of the dinners that I'm on and things I do with my friends. You don't really see that on my Instagram, but you'll see me like behind the scenes at an event or sharing things about what I've been through or sometimes I'll share a story or something about something I've been through 18 months later. Like I don't have to, you know, I went on holiday to Mexico. There wasn't one picture of it.
I was off social media for five weeks. Find your way. It doesn't need to be about you negotiating with actually what's really important in terms of your life and your privacy. So you find your way. And it's always that fine line between you know when you're not doing something because it's a bit uncomfortable and you feel vulnerable versus a hard no. And you listen to the hard no. And the bit that's like, no, that doesn't feel right. And you honor that.
but lean into the bits where you know you're avoiding it because it's making you look at something around your fear of being seen.
Pippa Goulden (28:54)
Yeah, I think that's really powerful. Chaining tactics slightly, one of the things I think you're brilliant at is using the PR that you've got as ongoing marketing content for you. Can you talk a bit about that and how you do that and what you do with it? Because it's really, it's a really great tactic when you've got this kind of great PR coverage.
Caroline Britton (29:13)
So if you were going to give an example of that, it would be things like where I've been on a podcast for instance, but like a year ago and then I use it, get K. So I'm really mindful of like the SEO, but very practically SEO. So anything that I've been featured on from a press point of view or podcast is on my website. So there's a big library of resources where it helps my SEO contact, but it also helps people.
Pippa Goulden (29:25)
Caroline Britton (29:42)
get to know me and build like and trust and credibility. So that feels really important to use places where I've spoken on things that I've written in different places because they still land. You know, if I've done a podcast, a clip will still land like two or three years later. So we actually have got into that as a team. I've got somebody working on my team who her job is to take
clips and we send something out every Wednesday and it's like the weekly download and she'll take clips of where I've spoken on things and use it and we have them as two or three minute sound bites, it's really digestible. Because actually what PR does is gives you great content. So what you get to do is actually one podcast could be like a hundred different pieces of content when it's used in different ways. So that's one thing I do. Another thing I do, people will often say, you're like everywhere.
What I do is I take a piece of content and it goes, it'll go in my Facebook community, it'll go on Instagram, it'll go on Instagram stories, it'll go to my mailing list, and then it'll be linked on Pinterest, and it might sometimes go on LinkedIn. So one piece of content is being recycled in several places for people to see. So that's a very, very simple thing that I do as well.
Pippa Goulden (30:54)
Yeah, it's just, it's being really effective with the things that you're kind of taking part in and then using that for as long as you want to. It's not like, you know, appearing on somebody's podcast, for example, doesn't just happen once and that's it. Like you can use that for years to come. Brilliant.
Caroline Britton (31:11)
Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, you've got to think about that every time that you're doing something from PR perspective, like how can I recycle it, but from a place of service where it's actually of use to people.
Pippa Goulden (31:22)
Yeah. So what practical advice would you say to people if they've listened to this and they've gone, I need to get through this fear now and I want to take action. What can they do?
Caroline Britton (31:33)
Right, so in the greater context of life and your business, I always get people to do this. Write a letter from fear and let it have its say. Let it really go for it. Everything it's scared of, everything that it doubts, everything it thinks is gonna happen, let it just have its say until it exhausts itself. So it can literally be like, dear Caroline, and a letter comes from fear. And they're brutal, just let it out. Go for a walk, come back and say, right, listen to fear, now I'm gonna listen to the voice of like love, intuition, soul, whatever you wanna call it, and let that write back.
like I believe in you, like there's something in this, like I really believe you can have the business you want, like you're worthy, you've got things to say, like you're beautiful, like all of these things. Then look at it and say, I get to live a life by keeping one letter that runs the show. And go there, be like, well if I keep listening to that voice of fear, how's that gonna limit me and what's that self -fulfilling prophecy gonna be?
But if I listen to the voice of love and truth and follow that, what might happen there? And that's a really good thing as a greater context to show you where you're not acting or showing up based from fear and actually what life would look like if you lend into love and soul. That's the first thing. The next thing is to look at your programming around visibility. So look at what you've been told about, how you speak.
what it's like to be seen, how it is to be a powerful woman about being too much, all of it. Look at what your parents said, your teacher said, your friends say, your peers say, all of it, and say, okay, there's some gnarly stuff in there where I've created something around it, meaning I'm a show off or I'm self -obsessed or whatever it is, and do the work there of what if that's not true? What if they're not my stories? What actually, if that is just baggage I do not need to hold onto anymore?
Then lastly, I'm keeping these really simple techniques, is break it down. say, let's look at the next three months, Pick five really brave things that you can do to move the needle bit in terms of your visibility. And like, what could you do to just put yourself out there that feel a bit uncomfortable? And create a plan around doing it, and then go and do it.
And then when you've done your three months, pick another five things, and this shows exactly what you're doing the PL set is like, and then pick those and lean into it and take action and on repeat. And you will notice as you go through more and more three months chunks, you'll be putting bigger and bigger things to do into it. So you've got that combination of the perspective from fear of love. You've got the combination with the mindset work around how you're programming yourself.
and then you take the action and all three things are necessary to move things forward.
Pippa Goulden (34:30)
love that so much action taking and that's what that is you know I I yeah I deliberately focus everything that I do in my one -to -one my membership about action taking because I we could sit and learn you know I think you see this don't you with people who just take courses and courses and courses got to learn more got to learn more you just got to you've got to start taking the action because it's taking the action that that teaches you the most and it and it yeah you might get it wrong but it
Caroline Britton (34:34)
That can be your clip, that can be one of your podcast clips.
Pippa Goulden (34:59)
Like what's the worst that can happen?
Caroline Britton (35:01)
and just tell yourself.
When you take the action, just say, I'm gonna be okay. I'm gonna be all right, I'm enough. Honestly, you just keep telling yourself you're enough, that's usually what sits at the root of most of it, is you don't feel you're enough. Keep saying, I'm enough, I'm enough, and show up and do it, and the fear will loosen its grip, and then you'll have a new thing, right? Everything's a new level. It'll be a bigger stage or a bigger podcast or a bigger...
Pippa Goulden (35:16)
Caroline Britton (35:33)
publication or whatever it be. It will be new first. That's the beauty of life.
Pippa Goulden (35:37)
I I think it's quite reassuring to know that everyone feels this, pretty much, don't they? Like, whatever level of business or stage or wherever you are, you know, we're not alone in this fear.
Caroline Britton (35:50)
No, there's, thread runs deep with many, many people about not feeling enough and that's okay. Just don't let it stop you. Like you don't have to fix it all and heal it and feel super confident. Just recognise that as you show up and take action, the confidence will build bit by bit and then you'll look back one day and you'll be like, gosh, how can I be here when I was there?
Pippa Goulden (36:17)
And if you were going to go back and talk to that 2018 Caroline who was not wanting to appear in her photography or speak on insta stories or whatever it was, what would you say to her now?
Caroline Britton (36:37)
You get there and you're going to be okay. And just listen to that voice that's leading you that says that you can do it because she's right.
Pippa Goulden (36:48)
and tell people about how you work with clients and everything because I'm sure that people are listening to this going I need some Caroline Britton in my life.
Caroline Britton (36:57)
There's different ways. So what I would always say to people is if they go to my website, which is www .caroline -britain .com, and go straight to the free resources, that's a great place to start, because there's something for everybody in there, whether it's about transformation, spiritual connection, business, growth, whatever it is, you can find something in there. So that's a great place to start. And then the way that I work, I work in different ways. I work with people one -to -one.
and I work with them in terms of bringing out their most powerful self and helping them achieve things that they never believed was possible. I also have online training programs where people can learn things and then I have live programs, masterminds, events, retreats. So there's things for people at all different price points for all different kind of service offerings. the place to start is there. Start my website or go to carolynbritaincoaching and you will see me on Instagram chatting and
Pippa Goulden (37:52)
You'll see her, you can't get rid of her these days.
Caroline Britton (37:53)
There, that's the next place to start.
Pippa Goulden (37:59)
This has been so great. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast and so nice to see you and spend some time with you even not in the same room, but yeah, I'm really proud of everything you've done me and I will see you very soon. Love you, bye.
Caroline Britton (38:08)
Thank you.
Thank you, I love you.